What type of behaviour equals Domestic Violence
Domestic violence includes:
- Physical abuse such as strangling, pushing, shoving, slapping, hitting, punching, biting, pinching & similiar;
- Threatening to hurt you, your relatives, friends or work colleagues in some way;
- Damaging property such as furniture, the house or pets in order to frighten and intimidate you;
- Forcing you to have sex or take part in sexual acts when you do not want to;
- Depriving you of the necessities of life such as food, shelter, medical care and the company of other people such as your family and friends;
- Demanding that you hand over your money and threatening to stop providing care for you. This sometimes happens to people with an illness, disability or impairment who rely on another person to care for them.
- Criticising, humiliating and insulting you;
- Following you in public, by car or on foot;
- Staying outside your house or workplace;
- Repeatedly telephoning your home or workplace without your consent;
- Doing similar things which upset you and make you fear for your safety.
The definition of domestic violence is wider under the changes to the Queensland legislation which took effect from 17 September 2012.
The person committing the domestic violence does not have to personally commit the act or threaten to commit it.
If they counsel or procure someone else to commit an act of domestic violence that, if it was done by the person themselves, would be an act of associated domestic violence, then they are taken to have committed the act.
- The content on this page represents the law in Queensland. Domestic Violence laws vary according to each State and Territory in Australia.
- In Qld Protection Orders are called Domestic Violence Protection Orders or a “DVO”.
- Other States refer to a Relationship Violence Protection Order or DVO as:
- NSW: In New South Wales it is an Aprehended Domestic Violence Order (AVO) or (ADVO) or an Apprehended Personal Violence Order (APVO);
- VIC: In Victoria it is a Family Violence Intervention Order (FVIO);
- ACT: In the Austalian Capital Territory it is a Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVO)
- TAS: In Tasmainia it is Family Violence Order (FVO) or Police Family Violence Order (PFVO);
- S.A.: In South Australia it is an Intervention Order (IO);
- W.A.: In Western Australia it is a Violence Restraining Order (VRO);
- N.T.: In the Northern Territory it is a Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVO)
- So variously it is referred to as a Domestic Violence Order, Intervention Order, Restraining Order, Protection Order, Apprehended Violence Order, Violence Restraining Order etc.
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Other Pages in the Family & Domestic Violence Section
- What constitutes Family Violence & when is it considered to have occurred
- What are examples of Family Violence having occurred
- What are examples of a Child being exposed to Family Violence
- Domestic Violence: The Law you need to know
- What amounts to actual Domestic Violence
- Who makes the Application for a Domestic Violence Protection Order
- When will a Court make a Domestic Violence Protection Order
- What does a Domestic Violence Protection Order say
- How long does a Domestic Violence Protection Order apply for
- Can I get a Temporary or Urgent Domestic Violence Protection Order
- Can I end (revoke) or vary (change) a Domestic Violence Protection Order
- Who will represent me in Court in a Domestic Violence Matter