Some of what you can read on our Website!
- When can a Step Parent adopt their Step Child
- How do I get Family Court leave to commence Adoption proceedings
- What are the alternatives to Adoption for a Step Parent
- How a Step parent gets a Parenting Order for a Step Child
- When can a Will provide for Inheritance by & Guardianship of a Step Child
- How to adopt a Child from Overseas
- How are Adopted Parents selected by authorities
- What is a Binding Financial Agreement
- Details of the different types of Binding Financial Agreement:
- Who can enter into a Binding Financial Agreement
- When can you make a Binding Financial Agreement
- What can you put in a Binding Financial Agreement
- Is it too late to do a Binding Financial Agreement
- Are BFA’s actually Binding and Enforceable – Can you Rely on it?
- How having a Binding Financial Agreement might help your Succession and Estate Planning
Parental Responsibility
- What is Parental Responsibility & what type of Order might the Court make
- What is Equal Shared Parental Responsibility
- Will Equal Shared Parental Responsbility apply to us
- What is Sole Parental Responsibility
- Will Sole Parental Responsibility apply to us
- Who makes the long term, short term and day to day decisions for the Child
- What are the major Long Term Issues that must be made by parents with Shared Parental Responsibility
Child’s Time with each Parent
Grandparents: Ability to see Grandchildren
Documenting a Parenting Agreement
- How is a Parenting Agreement documented
- Documenting an Agreement -versus- Not Documenting an Agreement
- What are the Risks of not documenting your Parenting Agreement
- What is a Parenting Consent Order and do I need one
- What is a Parenting Plan & what should go in a Parenting Plan
- Should I have a Parenting Plan or a Consent Order
Best Interests of the Children
Relocation of a Parent with a Child
- Can I stop the other parent relocating with my Child
- We’re on friendly terms – Do I worry about possible relocation
- The other parent might relocate: Do I need to do anything
- Court Orders about Relocation explained in full
- How does a Court decide Relocation cases if a parent moves away or wants to move away
Change of a Child’s Surname
Child Passports & Overseas Travel after Separation or Divorce
- How do a get a Passport for a Child of Divorced or Separated Parents
- How to make a Special Circumstances Application to the Australian Passport Office
- How do i stop a Child from Travelling Overseas: Passport not yet issued
- How do I stop a Child from Travelling Overseas: Child already has a Passport
- How to get a Court Order for a Child Passport or to Prevent Child Travel
- What are the matters considered by the Court regarding issuing a Passport or Overseas Travel Order
How to change a Final Parenting Order previously made by the Court
International Child Abduction
- Consent Orders or Parenting Plan to document Parenting Agreement
- The Basics you need to know about Consent Orders
- When can you use Consent Orders
- Why should I get Consent Orders: The Benefits
- Can Consent Orders I do myself be binding or do I need a Lawyer
- Will the Court make the Consent Orders we agree on
- What is the procedure & steps involved to get Consent Orders
- Consent Orders or BFA to document Property Settlement
- Breaching (Contravening a Court Order (or Consent Order)
- Changing a Final Parenting Order when the other party agrees
- Changing a Final Parenting Order when the other party does not agree
- What are examples of a Child being exposed to Family Violence
- Who makes the Application for a Domestic Violence Protection Order
- What are examples of Family Violence having occurred
- What amounts to Family Violence & when has Family Violence occurred
- Domestic Violence: The Law you need to know
- What amounts to actual Domestic Violence having been committed
- When will a Court make a Domestic Violence Protection Order
- What does a Domestic Violence Protection Order say
- How long does a Domestic Violence Protection Order apply for
- How to get a Temporary or Urgent Domestic Violence Protection Order
- Can you end (revoke) or vary (change) a Domestic Violence Protection Order
- Who will represent you in Court
- What is Mediation & Family Dispute Resolution
- Do I need to go to Mediation before going to Court: Property Matters
- Do I need to go to Mediation before going to Court: Parenting Matters
- What is a Section 60I Family Dispute Resolution Certificate & do I need one of these Certificates
- How to prepare for a Mediation, Family Dispute Resolution Conferencre or Conciliation Conference
- The Essentials you need to know to get ready for Mediation
- Mediation Tips to help you prepare for Mediation
- What happens next if an Agreement is reached at Mediation
- What happens next if an Agreement is not reached at Mediation
- What will our Property Settlement & Division involve
- How do I work out how much I will get or pay – How is Property Division decided by the Courts – The 4 Steps
- Example of how a percentage property divison might be done
- Do I have to document my Property Settlement Agreement
- What are the Risks of not documenting your Property Settlement
- How do you document your Property Settlement
- Consent Orders or BFA to document Property Settlement
- Property which must be divided
- Your Company & Property Settlement
- Your Business & Property Settlement
- Trusts in a Property Settlement
- Repaying Loans or Gifts from relatives given during Relationship
- How do I get some of my partner’s Superannuation / Giving some of your Superannuation to your spouse in Property Settlement Superannuation Split
- Can I avoid paying Stamp Duty, keep Capitals Gains Tax benefits or what about adjustments for future Tax Liabilities
- My former spouse is going Bankrupt – How does that effect our Property Settlement
- Can a Third Party such as Banks or Creditor become involved in our Property Settlement
- What is the Time Limit to do a Property Settlement
- See some actual Property Settlement Cases
- What are the laws applying to Same Sex Relationships
- Is it Necessary to Register a Same Sex Relationship & How do you do so
- Which States or Territories allow Same Sex Couples to have a Civil Union
- Are Same Sex Couples able to Foster or Adopt Children
- Same Sex Couples using Artificial Insemination to have a Baby
- Do you need to do a Binding Financial Agreement to protect your Assets?
- What type of Binding Financial Agreement might you consider?
- What are the Requirements to exist for a Court to say you’re in a De Facto Relationship
- Use this checklist to see if you might be considered legally are in a De Facto Relationship
- The Time Limits applying to Property Settlement for De Facto Relationships
- How to protect your assets if you are in a Same Sex De Facto Relationship
- The Stages of Separation Explained
- What information you must know after Separation & Where to get Help
- Separation To Do Checklist: Child Issues
- Separation To Do Checklist: Financial & Property Issues
- Separation To Do Checklist: Practical & Miscellaneous Issues
- What you must known about Jointly Owned Real Estate after Separation
- How Separation affects your Will & Superannuation
- What are the relevant Time Limits
- Who can get Spousal Maintenance
- When is Spousal Maintenance Payable
- Matters considered by Courts for Spousal Maintenance
- How is Spousal Maintenance Calculated
- Issues of Periodic Payments, Lump Sum Payments, Financial Circumstances Change, Failure to Pay
- When Payment of Spousal Maintenance will end
- Spousal Maintenance Time Limits
- What is the Law about Surrogacy, including Overseas Surrogacy Arrangements
- Who is legally eligible to enter into a Surrogacy Arrangement
- What is the procedure for Surrogacy Arrangement
- What payments can be made to a Surrogate Birth Mother
- What are the Benefits of Surrogacy Arrangements
- What are the Risks of entering into a Surrogacy Agreement
- What are the proposed changes to Surrogacy Laws in Queensland
- See our Page listing all the topic areas with various cases on issues including:
- Binding Financial Agreements
- Various Child & Parenting Issues
- Child Support
- Contravene Court Order
- Costs
- Defacto Relationships
- Evidence
- Family Violence
- Property Settlement
- Spousal Maintenance
- Separation
- See our Page listing all the topic areas with various cases on issues including:
Or…. Go Directly to Specific Topics on our Website
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Sections of our Website
- Adoption
- Binding Financial Agreements
- Child Issues
- Child Support
- Consent Orders
- Court Issues & Self Representing
- De Facto Relationships
- Divorce
- Family & Domestic Violence
- Mediation & Family Dispute Resolution
- Property Settlement
- Same Sex Relationships
- Separation
- Spousal Maintenance
- Surrogacy
- DIY Kits & Ebooks
- Actual Cases
- Law Dictionary
- Links & Resources