How to Stop a Child Travelling Overseas when there is already a Passport issued for the Child
A Child Alert Request does not prevent a child from leaving Australia on a valid Australian (already issued) or a foreign passport.
If a passport for the Child has been issued in another country then you need to contact the embassy for that Country in Australia.
If your child already has a passport then the only way to stop them leaving Australia by plane is to get a PACE alert.
A PACE alert will get your child’s details put on an Airport Watch List at all International departure points in Australia enabling the Australian Federal Police to stop the child leaving Australia.
If a PACE alert is issued, your child will remain on the Airport Watch List until the Court orders otherwise.
If you do not have Court Orders for your children then you will need to make an urgent application to the Court for an Order authorising a PACE alert to be issued.
If you have Court Orders for the living arrangements of your children then it is possible for you to apply to the Australian Federal Police for a PACE alert. You will need to give them a copy of the Court Order. They may still require a more specific Court Order.
The Australian Federal Police will not place a child’s name on the Airport Watch list without a Court Order, except under very limited circumstances.
Child Passports & International Child Abduction: More Information
We also have the following pages providing additional information in relation to getting a Passport for a Child, International Child Abduction and Relocation of a Parent with a Child :
- How to get a Passport for a Child
- How to make a Special Circumstances Application for a Child Passport
- Stopping a Child Travelling overseas: Child already has Passport
- Stopping a Child Travelling Overseas: No Passport for Child Issued yet
- Court Orders regarding Passports and Overseas Travel Orders
- Matters considered by Courts regarding issuing a Passport or making an Overseas Travel Order
- List of Hague Convention Countries
- What happens when a Child is taken to a Hague Convention Country
- What happens when a Child is taken to a Non-Hague Convention Country
- Can I stop the other Parent Relocating with my Child
- How does a Court decide Relocation Cases if a Parent moves away or wants to move away
- Documenting your Parenting Agreement in a Binding and Enforceable way
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All Topics in the Child Issues Section
- Types of Parental Responsibility Orders
- Child’s Time with Parents: Shared Care or not
- Grandparents: Rights to see Grandchildren
- Documenting a Parenting Agreement
- Best Interests of the Children
- Relocation of a Parent with a Child
- Change of a Child’s Surname
- Child Passports & Overseas Travel after Separation or Divorce
- How to change a Final Parenting Order previously made by the Court
- International Child Abduction