Benefits of Surrogacy Agreements

Benefits & Advantages of Surrogacy Arrangements 

There are many benefits to both the intended parents and the surrogate birth mother of entering into a Surrogacy Agreement.

Where there is a high level of trust and cooperation between the “birth parents” and the “intended parent(s)”, a Surrogacy Arrangement can provide a fabulous outcome for all concerned.

Some of the Benefits of a Surrogacy Arrangement include:

  • It is an alternative option to Adoption which generally requires a lengthy wait as well as significant procedural bureaucracy and restrictions.
  • It is often the only option for people who are otherwise unable to have a child.


You need to think about not only the benefits, but the risks associated with Surrogacy Arrangements.

Read more about the Risks of Surrogacy Agreements.


Surrogacy: More Information



If you are thinking about entering into a Surrogacy Arrangement you will need to be familiar with the law about Surrogacy.

Unfortunately, not everyone can lawfully enter into a surrogacy arrangement.  The government has passed laws so that only some people are eligible to enter into a surrogacy arrangement.

There are also strict laws on what can be paid to a Surrogate under a Surrogacy Agreement as well as the procedure to enter a Surrogacy Arrangement.

The Qld government has also announced proposed changes to Surrogacy laws.

If you are eligible to enter into a Surrogacy Arrangement, then you should be aware of both the benefits and risks of Surrogacy.


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