What is Substantial & Significant Time with Children and when is it Ordered

When does a Court only Order ‘Substantial & Significant Time’ for a Parent with their Child 

If it is not appropriate for a Child to spend equal time with each parent, then the Court must consider a Child spending substantial and significant time with a parent.


Substantial and significant time requires that the time a parent spends with a child:

  • include time on weekends and holidays; and
  • include time on other days, both day time and night time; and
  • allow the parent to be involved in the child’s daily routine; and
  • allow for participation in events that are significant to the child and parent. This might include sporting events, birthdays or father’s day.



The requirements for substantial and significant time are intended to ensure that the Court considers making parenting arrangements that provide for more time being spent, than just each alternate weekend and half of the school holidays.

The intention is for both parents to be involved with the children for both ‘fun’ time and the more difficult (or less fun) time involved in meeting a child’s needs during weekdays involving, school, routine etc.

More Information on Child’s Time with Parents & Parental Responsibility

We also have the following Fact Sheets which will provide you with more information on this topic:


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